I sometimes get this gut feeling that things…the world in general, the morals and ethics that characterize human beings, the choices we make in life, and life itself…everything just keeps getting worse and worse. And there’s nothing much we can do about it. And it would never get better. No matter how optimistic people can be, they all are scared inside. They’re scared that nothing will ever come to a good end, or worse, that nothing will ever end, but just keep going round and round until they either go mad from exhaustion or die. And if they’re not scared, then they’re even worse than any of that.
I’m still blankly staring at life, trying to figure out where I’m going, what I’m doing, and whether it would ever come to anything. I’m still trying to figure out not what love is, but whether it’s even there. Or was ever there. Maybe in the future, love would have a new meaning in the dictionary-maybe love would come to be a word meaning something which never existed and can never exist. Can you picture it? A rooster’s egg is love. A Parsee’s grave is love…sometimes my own ideas bewilder me.
I’m also still blankly staring at my reflection, so fascinated by it-t never shows the same girl twice. When I look into myself, I never see anything twice. Everything’s so shaky, so unstable, and it never stays still. How are you supposed to make sense of something that never stays still?
On a final note, I was supposed to be writing three paragraphs of full text for my Composition Writing & Communication assignment at the time I wrote this…and I sure wish I could hand these three paragraphs in instead of crap about institutions making human beings out of students rather than preparing them for specific jobs. When will the world ever learn sense?