I'm climbing a spiral staircase and not hoping to turn again...

Saturday, December 31, 2005

That is the thing, which I had lost That is what had just fled That was the spark that died in the ashes The father of all the flames That was the grain that burst into thousands Died to be reborn again There is that sun which blinded me The star that withheld all its light A flower one has longed to pluck The desires that came in every dream Haunted all the visions that I could see In every sigh on a star-lit night Yes, that is what had eluded me, had fluttered, enticing, constantly A sleep that lead to dreams and then The dreams that woke me up again A joy that I had found and feared too much Which yet was mine, at a single touch

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

No more tea

I am so tired I’m tempted to just write ‘IT’S OVER!!!!!!!!!!’ and post it here instead of a proper update. But no…certain people and their whines abt me not coming online as well as certain people and their awful dates of birth compel me to post more than that… Disclaimer: both these categories include at least more than three people, as well as people you all don’t know, so I want no gripes about me ‘bitching’ about anybody on my blog… So, to start off…EXAMS FINISHEDDD!!!!!!!!!!!! Now what? Now I have to write all those poems I started at the back of every register that I practiced Maths on, as well as at the back of my notes registers….*sigh* Why does my brain have to get so active while I’m studying? I got about a thousand ideas for potentially brilliant short stories, but alas! They’re only ideas jotted down somewhere inside those blasted notes, and I can’t do anything cuz my brain stalled the minute I finished the Statistics exam today. And secondly…(come on, you can’t expect yourselves to be more important than my freedom)…a very very very happy belated birthday to Waj, and an equally happy birthday today to our blah_blah_blogger *loads of hugs and sundry* So, both of them have grown up, hopefully their mental levels would soon grow up too…ok, ok, I dun mean that…I’m just letting myself go crazy here, just typing what my fingers type, which is not a reliable indicator of what I really think in my present state of mind….so PLEASE don’t get mad at me, I know I suck… Ok, that’s it. End of post. I meant to write more but I have come to the conclusion that my inner health is seriously damaged by the last two months of slogging…I can’t think of anything to write except stuff which would insult one person or the other. And also, my mom just came and told me that the kurta top I’d selected for myself from her exhibition had just been sold…and when I lose my clothes, I lose my mind….so ATY goes now, before she goes insane…