I'm climbing a spiral staircase and not hoping to turn again...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

read at ur own risk

Urk….the last post’s so stale it’s destroying my blog…I guess another one is due to sit on top and be the blog’s heading for a few more weeks or so… Life’s just been a muddle lately….and whenever I remembered my blog I simultaneously remembered a thousand other tasks that were just as urgent as updating, so u can guess which one I picked…the real world over the virtual any day(almost). Anyways, I went to this comedy play yesterday, called ‘Run for Your Wife’….one of the wives was played by a classmate-type friend whom I had known for quite a few years, so I had a pass and a promise to fulfill(she wanted me to come, for some inexplicable reason). The play was good at first, with the practical and aggressive wife(that’s the one) having the red side of the stage, and the romantic and fuzzy-headed one occupying the blue, not knowing abt each other. The actors were brilliant, no one can say anything bad abt that, especially the guys who had more of the really hilarious parts. What with the heejra rushing in at inopportune moments, and one wife fainting and the other trying to get her husband into bed, it was pure slapstick comedy. But of course, it had to get all vulgar and lewd near the end…no, ppl can just not produce a play without having to drag homosexuality and other related topics into it. No wonder they said 12 year olds were not advised to see the play *sigh*…and I had to bring my 10 year old sis along…thank God she was too busy laughing at the funny actions to notice dialogues like ‘Me, homosexual? I’m having troubles being a decent homosapian!’, ‘I’M NOT GAY!!!!!!!’ and ‘Why are u acting so strangely?/It’s frustration, let’s go!’ Uh-oh…I think I just typed a post too sick to be better than the stale one…but it’s all I have to relate if I dun want to go on whining abt the same things over and over again. Anyway,ummm…just ignore all the silly stuff,it’s almost twelve now, so I’ll wish chij bachee a very very very VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!(in advance) Congrats, sweetie! Now that u’re of age u can just get your driving license and take us around Lahore all day! :D luv ya *muah*


Blogger ATY said...

bad bad idea...n i;ve only mentioned the first and most sharif of the vulgar dialogues...haven't even described some of the lovely hints...

9/16/2005 11:24:00 AM

Blogger One in the crowd said...

'Me, homosexual? I’m having troubles being a decent homosapian!’

This has to be the most absurd dialogue I have ever heard in a play...the previous one being Nana Patekar's dialogue to a rape victim, "agar sui ko mod doge to kya dhaga andar ja payega?" from the play 'Purush'...

Such dialogue writers should be whipped in public.

9/19/2005 01:57:00 AM

Blogger Gia said...

who was the writer of the play???
dang! its hell sick...and hell...ullas...this dialogue...eeeeks!

i hope girl! u do well in ur SAT2..and end up in LUMS..insh'ALLAH!

9/22/2005 06:51:00 AM

Blogger ATY said...

the writer? i dunno yaar....but the most disappointing thing abt it was that it was sponsered by all these big companies like Nestle, red earth, etc, etc. not one ot two but abt FORTY really big, known compannies. and it wasn't acted in some silly school or college....it was an outside affair, in Alhamra...aur yeh halat hai.

yaar...i dun remember what i did in those parts....maybe thanked God that the guy who was initially sitting next to me transformed into an angel and gave up his seat to my sis...

thank u so much for that comparison...that was ALL i nedded to restore my faith in the world. somebody help...

9/24/2005 09:22:00 AM


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