I'm climbing a spiral staircase and not hoping to turn again...

Monday, August 15, 2005

The beginning of the end...

Ahhh…so, the thirteenth and last first day in school was today-make any sense? Hope it does, can’t explain it rite now. So after two months of waking in the afternoon and sleeping in the wee hours of the morning, I had to get up today at 6:30 and get ready to go to school-ALONE. Not one of my relatives in Lahore have reached the end of their holidays yet *pout*. Anyway, today wasn’t so bad. It was just that now I have a business studies test on Thursday on everything we did last year, in addition to 5 questions, 3 case studies and 2 chapters to read by next week…why, WHY is our teacher a spiritual descendant of Hitler???????????!!!!!!!!!! Just thinking of it makes my head spin…. i don’t want to start studying so thoroughly right away, pleeeeaaassee have mercy!!! It’s only the beginning of the year, who cares if it’s the final year, we’re still rusty, for heaven’s sake! And the second and last class of the day was Literature and…the teacher didn’t show up *great, big, eyes-rolling sigh*….if it’s not one extreme it’s another! So I’m writing this just as I’ve come back, when all the frustrations of that BLASTED school are still seething inside me. All I did was talk and talk and talk, strangely, no one seemed like a stranger even after the whole summer holidays….on the contrary, they seemed to be even more close. I’m not talking about official friends, but those girls whom u just say hi in passing, make jokes with in class, and are just OK with in general. All right, before I forget….it’s just this silly theory about Dumbledore that someone made up after HP 6…do any of u remember when, halfway thru the book, Snape was heard refusing to do something that Dumbledore had asked him? I didn’t remember it until I heard that idea….cud it be that D was asking S to kill him? And at the end when he was pleading and saying ‘Please….Severus….please’, cud it be that he was asking him to kill him now?….i don’t kno why he wud do this, but I’m telling u, one of the reasons I threw that book down when it was finished was the way that ***** killed Dumbledore. He was supposed to be a great man, a wise person…A CHARACTER LIKE THAT DOES NOT DIE PLEADING, HE DIES FIGHTING, STANDING UPRIGHT, NOT LYING ON THE FLOOR AND ASKING HIS ENEMY TO SPARE HIM!!!!!!!! That woman seriously does not know how to kill off characters.


Blogger One in the crowd said...

harry potter...like him or hate him, u can't ignore him...

8/17/2005 01:54:00 AM

Blogger Niqabi said...

Salaams ATY!!!

So Naice to comment here again after SUCH a long time! You've been talking about literature and harry potter a bit too much so I wasn't able to comment before but now that you're whining Im here...:)

Yes, I know school sucks. Waking up so early also sucks. But talking is good and meeting up with people is good too...sometimes. So its all even.

Put a big wax smile on your face and pretend to be happy :

8/21/2005 04:14:00 AM


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