I'm climbing a spiral staircase and not hoping to turn again...

Friday, July 01, 2005

The monsoons are finally here!! but it's not that good out there...almost every road is covered with the dank brown water and it's almost like Venice...without the boats of course. so it's more humid than scorching now...and it's dangerous too, with all that water causing traffic jams and becoming so deep in parts that the water gets into people's cars...i'm glad we only recieve the tail-end of the monsoons after they've passed over India...wonder how bad it is over there? hey joy, does the sheer vastness of the floods schare u too? because it sure scraes me...one of my greatest fears is drowning in that muddy slush in an overturned car. i've got just too many tasks to do, and i'm not doing any one of them. i'm not reading The Scarlet Letter, not getting any more books recommended for literature students, not packing either. i just feel so...inferior sometimes, even though i have no solid reason for it. it's this cousin of mine who writes these great short stories for an international magazine...ufff....her writing's so impressive...her latest story was apparently inspired by one of Sintatra's musicals in which 'people burst into song on every occasion'...i'll never think of anything as good! and the verses which she flung into the story every time it was apt according to the character's feelings were simply awesome...i can't even write any short stories, let alone integrating poetry with them! it isn't fair...even though she's 22, married, and has a kid, she still has time to write, and good stuff at that. i hate it even though i love her.


Blogger One in the crowd said...

read the first ever piece she must have written and you will find it pretty ordinary...start writing and them u will improve as you go along...it's trial and error and it also opens u up, makes you more expressive...no point being a fence sitter and envying others...that's jealousy - one of the seven cardinal sins...

as for rains, yes it's bad out here...my city abad is flooded...coz of the soil and largely the drainage...tvm is cool, we don't have much waterlogging in spite of the heavy rains...

7/01/2005 09:52:00 PM

Blogger Gia said...

i agree with ullas...:)

and now....its my turn to get jealous....u guys are having heavy rainfalls over there.....and Karachi! is as dry as it remains all the year...if u see waterlogging..its not coz of the rains....look around u..and u'll easily spot a gutter overflowing....

lets see july goes that way too or not...but yes the beach here is definitely worth going...though ur not alowed to get into water coz of high tides...but the view sure is awesome...go to the soneri beach or devil's point...and feel as good as new....
ouch! my leg hurts....bluebubbles attack.... so aamna if u go near the sea..dont walk barefoot...

7/02/2005 06:06:00 AM

Blogger ATY said...

i am writing, or trying to write...n i dun think what i feel is jealousy...when u're jealous u dun want the other person to have such a gift...and i don't want that...i just want have some really good inspirations.

waj: i'll do that, but y did u walk barefoot there?

evil guava: lolz...thanks and thanks also for commenting after such a long time

7/03/2005 10:17:00 AM


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