I'm climbing a spiral staircase and not hoping to turn again...

Monday, June 13, 2005

what happens to me during te exams? my black notebook is finally filled to the last page with poem both unfinished and finished, some dark essays which i wud hopefully publish but under a pseudonym cuz if anyone in my family reads them i'll be hustled to the mental hosptal in no time flat (which would be pretty cool, to come to think of it....after all...where do psychologists go every day?)..if i can just take my writing materials with me....i'll have a novel in no time. so there were all these books piled up in their respective subjects on the biggest table in the house....and me in the middle of them....of these bars from which there seemed no respite but insanity.... anyway to make a long sob story short...there only one bar left then my wings would be free to soar to the skies....in TV, internships, sweltering weather, and fighting with cousins....what a romantic life i lead....can't wait


Blogger Gia said...

lol...i can understand as i have just come out of that horrandous trap...
i am waiting for 6th to come...may be we can plan to meet up...
good luck...parho parho khoob parho!

6/14/2005 12:57:00 AM

Blogger One in the crowd said...

just for a fleeting second, i misunderstood the word bar...anyway, hope to c u around...enjoy...as for the pics, i didnt dare take any, the mountain people are damn dangerous...so didnt dare to do much

6/14/2005 01:23:00 AM

Blogger ATY said...

waj: sure we'll meet up...if u're not too scared of me, that is :D
parh rahi hoon baji parh rahi hoon....exams khatam bhi hogaye tab bhi parh rahi..just because u told me...can i stop NOW???

blah_blah_blogger: trust u to think something like that...so how much DID u dare to do?

Evil Guava: *huggies back* yeah, thankfully i'm as sane as i ever was...was i ever sane?*thinking hard* hmmm....neways, now that i've been freed i'm very very easy on myself dun u worry :)

6/18/2005 01:05:00 PM

Blogger Gia said...

err...yesh u can stop..*embarrased*

aur han apko jash-e-azaadi bohat bohat mubarak ho......lol!

hope u have a gr8 time...

6/20/2005 11:13:00 AM


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