I'm climbing a spiral staircase and not hoping to turn again...

Saturday, February 05, 2005

diary entry

The most pathetic thing one can say when troubles come is sometimes the most truthful. It hurts, it pains, and it doesn’t comfort, but it’s just there, a solid truth, and you can’t fight it. After everything that has been happening, all my mother and my grandmother can is this: ‘Life has its ups and downs beta- all you can do is to stay out of everything that causes trouble and Allah will make you happy.’ They’re right, but what does that do to make anything even the littlest bit better????? And they don’t understand. They can’t understand that I can never be happy when others are unhappy. I can’t cut myself off from friendships, I can’t accept myself until and unless I am satisfied that others have to come to harm through me or through anyone else. I’m responsible for people insulting and hurting others, and even more so when they’re my friends. But I feel so helpless-there’s no one who would support me. Not even my own family. All I got that day when I came back from listening to S’s outrageous anger was a scolding from my mom at being about ten minutes late. I was crying in the car, crying at home, and no one came to comfort me…all they had to offer was their advice. Friends are not important; I should forget everything that happened, I should just concentrate on making myself happy, blah blah blah and on and on and on. My mother is convinced that all this is not important at all- not important enough to cause her ten minutes inconvenience, anyway. I guess it’s time to take up the mask again…I’ll just pretend to be happy, extremely happy, so that no one catch even a glimpse of the torture within me. I have been placed on this earth for other people, regardless of what I might have posted before. I’m here not to be comforted, but to comfort. I’m here not to weep, but to wipe away other’s tears. I am not here to fall in love with anyone, but to be there for people who are the victims of unrequited love themselves. And it’s also OK to reject me in favour of other people who might be better than me. I’m here to be pushed away, to be shoved into a corner until I am needed. That’s what I am: nothing more, maybe something less. A hurting blindness it is inside O Darkest Soul, O Lord Above How hast thou cursed this life not mine Ah joyous child! Black’s love that’s thine


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your mother and grandmother are very right. There is nothing (NOTHING) you would gain by worrying about others and making your happiness depend on them. People are not as good as they seem to be. If you keep on continuing in this way, you'll never be happy in your life. And the most important thing for anyone is to be happy him/herself. Your family gives you the best advice. Friends really are NOT that important, especially friends who make you feel like this:

"And it’s also OK to reject me in favour of other people who might be better than me. I’m here to be pushed away, to be shoved into a corner until I am needed."

2/05/2005 10:15:00 PM

Blogger Niqabi said...

Nahi yaar, I did read your blog but I thought I best not comment because I already had enuff with that episode on thursday. As I told you before and now again that no one's leaving you, not me atleast. Its all childish-makes me laugh and then cry. Why are you all so darn serious abt it??? What happened that day, has got no comparison with the REAL ups and downs of life ! I'm not shrugging off the matter but it really isn't THAT serious.
I wouldn't leave you or for that matter anyone for something as petty as that. OK the insult was HUGE but then again it wasn't from you. And I 'accept' apologies because I know how HARD it is to say sorrry!! We're not married, no obligations, nothing official, its all so simple!
So don't be upset about it and try to love me more, lol:P OK that was a 100% lame joke but you get the point?Right, ok. IF you don't, go to my blog and marry that sauce guy. I'm sure he won't give ANYONE grief. I'm already married, so we can be good friends that way...what you say?
Wanna kill me?
Its alright.
Em Tiddi will have a real life, dead,ex-walking self inflictor !
But its ok to cyber kill people
I unerstand the need.
So cheer up.
And don't make your life so miserable, I'm 'here' for you.
I'm already dead from over-expression
kissey on the...ermm ear.

2/06/2005 12:52:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh girl-
I visit your blog every day! Am just waiting for a pleasant post that is void of all these political issues!
I agree with Niqabi when she says that the fights we have are nothing like the real issues in life! It was a fight but i think it's high time we all put our egos behind us and move on! You ain't losing any friends, hun!
Fights are supposed to come and go-they are supposed to make us better people, help us in learning our lessons and then fade away!
Give it time and this one will go away too! I promise you that by next week InshaAllah you will all be *one* group again-and hopefully I will be part of it too:); but if I'm not, no big deal!
[I am NOT trying to be rude or offended in the least bit! I just hate to be the one to have caused all the trouble-and don't tell me I didn't do it because all the fights came when I did...i'm sorry!:)]
*Em Tiddi*

2/07/2005 04:19:00 AM


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