I'm climbing a spiral staircase and not hoping to turn again...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Even after three months of pretty regular blogging, I’m still confused as to what to put in my blog. I know the general idea is to post just about anything, but I can’t do that. Every feeling of mine turns out to be too personal to release, and yet that’s just not the problem. A long time ago, I was an extremely private person, but then I realized—life isn’t kind to people like that. People like that aren’t kind to themselves. Words were made to be said, mouths to speak, and just because you’re shy, it’s no reason to keep your trap shut about everything that’s bothering you. Problems won’t go away by shutting up, no matter how much time will heal, a private person always heals the last. And if someone hurts you, there’s no cause to remain silent, in smoldering anger or in despair. No one will ever get the message from silence. The days when people could rightly interpret silence are no longer here, if they were here at all. It’s a world of words…some useless, some sharp, some kind, some gentle, but they are words. I guess many of my friends would still classify me as a private person, but I know that I’m not, and haven’t been ever since I started talking to Allah. I dunno why just sitting on a prayer mat after prayers and just talking, talking, talking, into the empty space can make one feel as if every problem is in good hands. Sometimes His presence is so close, so endearing, that I hardly dare to believe it. And so now that I’ve opened up to Him, I’ve also been given the ability to open up to people…I’m not afraid anymore, I just can’t be.


Blogger Un-deciphered said...

well, i suppose everyone has a different perspective of things. I guess there are two ways possible. Either show yourself completely, and then let people do their thing. Or you can "act" as if your totally ok and happy dappy.

I prefer the latter, although I fail and crash somewhere in the middle.

Your looking towards Allah for solace is perfect. May you stay with that forever.

Being shy is one thing. Expression of your deepest feelings is quite the other.

3/14/2005 09:44:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

have u ever opened up to chij? i dun think Allah wud be so cruel as to give u zat power.
ok can't write anything rude on dis here post, it's too gud ta mess up, i dun like messing u up, the wold seems ta have done a gud job of it alrady

3/15/2005 03:40:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

no more

Happy everyone?

3/15/2005 08:46:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well chij phij whaddya call me that u has ta delete the previous comment? it's none of ur business if i link ur blog to my name. don't i even have the right to ask whther she's opened up to u? her friends really affect her posts and u r one of them, and her posts r not very happy r dey?

3/16/2005 03:18:00 AM

Blogger ATY said...

who are u fool? plz get off my blog...i can tolerate anything u say abt me, but i will NOT put up with u slamming any of my friends, get it?!!
what on earth has chij done to u anyway?? get off her back and my blog.

3/17/2005 09:46:00 AM


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