I'm climbing a spiral staircase and not hoping to turn again...

Sunday, April 24, 2005

serious post

Many, many times in my life, I have heard people say things like ‘I’m just that way. You can’t ask me to change myself. I can’t change.’ And every time I’ve always taken it as acceptable that anyone can be excused for not caring that they hurt mine or anybody else’s feelings, for not being responsible, for not thinking about the sort of people they hang out with, or even for being just plain mean. But there’s always been something inside me that makes me so uncomfortable with such statements. I mean, what does ‘I’m just that way’ mean? The plain truth is: it means that one can’t be responsible for him/herself! It seems so stupid, it’s like you’re degrading urself, you can’t even control urself, how are you gonna control your life. Are you just going to be blown this way and that, refusing to change urself, refusing to be human, just because that’s the way you are? I dun think much of these people then…it’s all very well to stick to your good habits, such as studying regularly and speaking the truth, even if ppl ridicule you for it, or you get into trouble, but I just cannot accept the fact that human beings can be so cold when it comes to others’ feelings. They just can’t be bothered-and their excuse is that they’re not the caring type. All I have to say here now is to look at urself and your actions, think about how many times you urself have done this kind of thing, and shake this notion that you were not made to be any better. You are responsible for the way you act, you are to answer for your life, and no one but you is to blame if you end up unhappy with your lot if you don’t adjust urself for the better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post is pointing fingers...

4/24/2005 07:15:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the anonymous blogger above stole my comment. This post points fingers, a finger rather, the big fat index finger, and it points the finger at ME.

All words are useless,
All thoughts in vain,
The truth is to stay here,
And so is the pain.
For you it must be hard,
'Coz you think I do not care,
About the sorrow that I've caused,
And all the times I've been unfair.
But let me tell you something,
Mean I may seem to you,
I feel like crying everyday,
'Coz it hurts me badly too.
Who is to apologize
And for which broken sin?
I've sinned so much I've lost count,
So let me suffer within.

4/24/2005 09:17:00 AM


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